How is Batik Fabric is Made and Why I Like it

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How is batik fabric made?

The method for making batik is called wax-resistant dyeing. The fabric artist uses the liquid wax in a tool called a tjanting which has a spout so they can draw the patterns into the fabric. Patterns can also be stamped on with a copper cap tool. 

An interesting fact is that each region in Indonesia has its own distinctive batik motifs and patterns. Uniquely, each batik motif depicted has its own meaning and philosophical value based on each region's belief and culture.

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How can you tell if fabric is batik?
The easiest way to identify how a piece of batik was made is to check if the fabric looks the same on both sides. With authentic batik, both sides of the fabric are equally vibrant as the hot wax is drawn with a canting tool or stamped with a batik block and then hand-painted.
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Why I like batiks:
I like batik fabrics and use a lot of them in my fabric business. Batiks are unique, very colorful, and a single piece of fabric can vary greatly in the color and design from one section to the next. One section could be purple, and the other one more blue or green.  I alos like the waxy smell when batik fabrics are ironed!
There is a lot to like about batiks!
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