First Craft Show in Many Years!

Our small town has a wonderful Historical Society building with all kinds of historical treasures. A few years ago, a group of local artisans started a strictly handmade craft  show at the Historical Society on the first Saturday in December. It is a very small building and the number of artisans is limited to a dozen or so. 

I am happy to announce that I will be first-time vendor there on Saturday, December 2, 2023 from 10 AM to 4PM, along with a couple of local artisans that I have worked with in past craft shows (many years ago). It should be fun, and if you are local to the area, please stop in and check it out!

Blandford Historical Society Craft Fair

This picture is from 2011 and I believe that is the last craft show I did. We will see how the upcoming show in December goes! 



Recent Additions to my Fabric Stash

As much as i try to restrain myself from buying new fabrics, sometimes I jusr cannot resist! At least I don't do it as often as I used to.

I really love this Mystical Moon fabric with silvery owls and a deep magenta/royal purple background:


PP mysticowls 5


Another new favorite is this wintry wild bird print with cardinals and birch trees on a snowy background:

PP birchtreeperch 3

Who can resist this fun Canary Tea Party fabric? 

Canaryteaparty 2

Our Fife Fancy canary demanded that I buy some of this fabric, as canary fabric is very rare!

Bijou %20snow 1


Recent Updates from Bags of a Feather

Like everything else, sometimes things change. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as it can mean new opportunities and new projects.

Changed priorities sign 590x399

I have been playing with making some new things, like fabric bowls and fabric jar grippers, and have placed some in a local consignment shop that is open until Christmas Eve and then shuts down until the spring. It is run by a local potter, Cooley & Company, who appreciates creativity and local artisans and is very supportive.

Many of the wholeslae and consignment venues that carried my products are either out of business or struggling to stay afloat. Online sales are few and far between these days, with a few repeat buyers coming back to buy from my etsy shop again. Still waiting for the fist sale from MakerPlace by Michaels's, but that is not unusual. I have streamlined my offerings and cut out my partnership with Mammoth Nation.

However, my shop is still active on PublicSq, and they are launching an e-commerce shopping portal soon.


I am actually thinking of tackling another full-sized quilt project over this winter, and maybe buying pre-cut fabric shapes to assemble and then quilt. I did that years ago with a double-wedding ring quilt that I made, and it saved a lot of time! But then I went on to quilt it by hand, which took over 2 years! The following quilt was made from quilt blocks inherited form my maternal granmother and also hand-quilted, but it did not take 2 years!

Newtonquilt 2

 There are changes in the works, and who knows how things will play out- stay tuned!




Rare and Out of Print Fabrics

Many times in the past, I have held onto certain fabrics that I just could not bear to use up. They have been put away and every once in a while, I decide to make one last pouch with that fabric. I tell myself that it is not doing any good sitting in a large tote of fabric, so I sew it into something and put it up for sale in my etsy shop, or at a local consignment venue.

Here are a couple of examples of fabrics I recently used the last of and sewed up into a pouch:

Cockatoo 4

Kea 2